Monday, September 5, 2011

The Symptoms Of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer are caused when an injury or a tumor forms / lump on the inside walls of the stomach. In many cases, is that cancer cells make their base in the stomach, without giving any indication of a tumor naturally. This is why stomach cancer is not always detected in time.

Initially, the cancer remains within the limits of the abdomen. Slowly, but surely it will spread to other areas that are close to the stomach.

Several types of cancers of the stomach are usually grouped on the basis of their own. Different types:

* Lymphomas - In this type of stomach cancer, lymphatic system gets hit first, and therefore, it is known, then.

* A carcinoid tumor - then the first target cancer cells is the neuroendocrine system.

* Carcinoma - There are some cells in the lining of the stomach. It is known as carcinoma. Carcninomas cancer begins in cells.

* Sarcomas - This type of cancer affects the muscular layer of stomach

Doctors have not been able to identify the exact reasons for the increase in cancer cases. But in the period they have identified certain elements that can contribute to stomach cancer:

* Chain-smoking.

* Obesity.

* Excessive consumption of red meat and salt.

* Excessive alcohol consumption.

Frequent acid reflux.

* Hereditary.

* Being male.

* Patients are usually more than 60 years of age.

* The majority of patients had blood group A.

Generally, there were fewer cases of women diagnosed with cancer of the stomach and several cases of men.

Symptoms of the initial phase:

* Swallowing problems.

* A person is not hungry most of the time and every time he / she does, even eating small amounts make a person feel bloated and uncomfortable.

* A person feels under the weather most of the time and do not feel any physical task.

* Post the meal, the person feels comfortable, and the faces of heartburn.

Pain in the stomach.

The symptoms observed in advanced stages:

* Cough with blood.

* Weight loss.

* The person is shedding dark.

* A lump, which is actually the tumor can be felt in the patient's stomach.

One thing to note is that these symptoms, even in patients diagnosed with stomach cancer, by no means sufficient for a self-diagnosis. This may signal an entirely different and if you notice any of these symptoms, the hospital is the first place to go.

As with other types of cancer, treatment for stomach cancer chemotherapy, surgery, biological therapy and radiotherapy.

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