Asbestosis Symptoms can be felt by people living near an asbestos factory, which somehow have been in close contact with asbestos waste. Asbestosis is a lung disease caused primarily by exposure to asbestos. People who are directly exposed to these microscopic minerals in their dangerous work area is in great danger, and their family members who unknowingly inhale particles of asbestos dust that sticks to clothes of workers.
Development of asbestosis
Our lungs are the agents of the dust trap microorganisms and other foreign particles in the air we breathe. Usually filtered through the hair like structures called cilia in the nose, or are coughed out of the system. In the case of asbestos mineral fibers, especially glass microscope as amphibole fibers, most are not filtered in the nose or trachea or bronchi cilia, because they are extremely thin and lightweight. Its lightness and thinness makes it completely stubborn initial selection Significantly, most of which continues its way through the passage of air and finally the whole bag of air from the lungs, or alveoli, where the process vital for the absorption oxygen carbon dioxide into the blood and be expelled from it is done. Now, with the presence of asbestos fibers into the air sacs, the vital function of cells breaks down and the respiratory system is compromised.
The lungs usually fight against foreign particles that enter into it through his defense cells called macrophages that acts to hold said particles after their destruction. With amphibole as foreign bodies, macrophages will try to destroy exuding particular substance, but by all means fail, because the fiber itself is unbreakable.
The deadly amphibole remains in the lungs, while the permanent substance exuded by macrophages and gradually destroys alveolar inflammation and scar tissue resulting from the production, a condition called fibrosis. Asbestosis following as fibrosis continues for 2 or 3 decades, the worsening lung disease dramatically scar tissue that blocks the alveoli, somehow determine the imperative of change of gas. With this, there is insufficient oxygen in the blood that is expected with all the activities of the organs and systems.
Signs and symptoms of asbestosis
An early sign of asbestosis is shortness of breath or shortness of breath. Continued exposure to asbestos scarring of lung tissue faster. In addition, the accumulation of fibrous tissue to remove the lungs to expand normally tries to breath. Lungs need to make an extra effort to expand the force to take full breath. This symptom will shine when the person does not lose their jobs, or exercising. As the condition worsens lung, shortness of breath can be detected, even if the person does not do any work at all.
Other common symptoms include a persistent dry cough, mainly due to inflammation of the lungs. Another is chronic fatigue because the body is overburdened by too much exercise to try to deal with breathing. Chest pain can be experienced especially in a full breath. Symptoms are added when a sudden loss of unexplained weight distribution due to the lack of oxygenated blood in the capillaries in the body system that requires support nutrient absorption. And, of course, on condition of not having to breathe, can not eat well. Another indication is the crackling in the lungs heard with a stethoscope. Clubbing of the fingers and sometimes with changes in the texture of the nails is also an indication of asbestosis, but it is very common.
As symptoms progress asbestosis, which can lead to other serious problems such as pulmonary hypertension that may contribute to the expansion of the ventricles and heart failure later. Asbestosis is recognized as incurable. Once you have, eg fibers of a lot of amphiboles in the lungs is still there. If you are suspected of having the condition given above symptoms, was confirmed by a specialist. If the tests are indicative of asbestosis, breathe again, and hope. They have ways to relieve their condition. Avoid making the worst as smoking or drinking because it can restrict breathing or stop working in the factory where the disease was contracted. There is nothing better than to breathe without effort, because the breath should be involuntary.
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