Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How Is Mesothelioma Acquired?

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer that affects people who have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos fibers are extremely dangerous and can pose significant risks for anyone who comes into contact with them.

Asbestos has been used for years in many different products, including construction and insulation. Although the risks were not known in its former use, it has become a common theme with plenty of information about it. Yet many companies continue to use this toxic substance in minute amounts in various products.

Once the asbestos fibers are released into the air, which can be inhaled or ingested by a human being. At this point, the fibers can become a major body linings. The pleura is a membrane that surrounds and protects the lungs. If asbestos fibers and the trip was staying at the walls, a person will develop mesothelioma. The peritoneum is a membrane that surrounds and protects the abdominal cavity. If asbestos is ingested and goes to the delicate lining of the abdominal organs, peritoneal mesothelioma begin to develop. The third type of mesothelioma is pericardial mesothelioma. This cancer occurs when asbestos fibers lodge in the pericardium, or heart-protective cover. Once the asbestos fibrous parts travel to one of the liners main lodge and begin to produce scar tissue cancer. At this point, mesothelioma is on track to cause many health problems.

The dormancy of all types of mesothelioma is extremely long. This means that the time of exposure to fibers, until the onset of symptoms can vary from 20 to 50 years long. This is used to treat mesothelioma is extremely difficult because the cancer has generally moved too far at the time of discovery. Also the symptoms that come with each type of mesothelioma resemble symptoms of other serious illnesses and diseases as well. In most cases, mesothelioma are misdiagnosed because of these similarities symptoms. For example, cause shortness of breath pleural mesothelioma, coughing, wheezing, exercise intolerance and chest pain. These symptoms are the same symptoms as many respiratory diseases and major cause. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthmatic bronchitis and emphysema are all the same symptoms as pleural mesothelioma.

In any case, reputation is important to find an oncologist who specializes in mesothelioma and the challenges it brings. In this way, the oncologist and the patient may develop a treatment plan for the game and start fighting this horrible cancer.

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